Unclaimed Funds
Pursuant to Section 59.66(1) & (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The purpose of this State Statute is to return money to its rightful owner.
Generally, County and municipal unclaimed property consists of uncashed checks that are older than 1 year. Often times, uncashed checks are due to incorrect or incomplete
mailing addresses. Some examples of unclaimed funds are:
- Jury Duty checks
- Deposits
- Overpayment refunds
- Overpaid Court Fees
The Wood County Treasurer is required to post a public notice of all unclaimed Funds containing the names and last known address of the owners of any unclaimed money
or security that has a value of at least $20. The Treasurer may also be holding unclaimed money or securities in amounts less that $20. Unless the owners claim and prove
their ownership of the money or security within six (6) months from the time of completed publication, the County Treasurer shall take possession of that unclaimed money
or security.
To see if there are Wood County unclaimed funds being held in your name, please check below.
Wood County Unclaimed Funds 2022-2023
If you find a listing that corresponds to your name and address:
- Be prepared to give information about the amount of the claim and the circumstances of why the County, or a Wood County municipality, would owe you money.
- Appear in person at the Wood County Courthouse Treasurer's Office, Second Floor, 400 Market Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
You will be required to attest to the truthfulness of your claim and to sign the attestation in front of a notary. A notary will be available at no charge at the County
Courthouse; the County Notary will require a photo ID with your residential address and signature.
Unclaimed Funds Form
Verified claims will be paid by check, and mailed to your current address. Checks will arrive in four to six weeks. Cash will not be dispersed at the time of making a claim.
For information about unclaimed property held by the State of Wisconsin, check the State of Wisconsin Unclaimed Property listing.