A comprehensive plan is a formal document that is intended to guide the physical,
social and economic development of a local governmental unit. The plan is an official
document, meaning that it is designed to be adopted by the local governing body. The
plan identifies a vision for the future with realistic goals, objectives, policies, and
programs that provide direction and rational basis for local decisions over the next 10 to
20 years. Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law is outlined in Section 66.1001 of the
Wisconsin Statutes.
These plans are comprehensive in that they address many components or elements of a
community. There are (9) nine elements that a comprehensive plan shall address as
defined by the comprehensive planning law:
- Issues and Opportunities
- Housing
- Transportation
- Utilities and Community Facilities
- Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
- Economic Development
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Land-Use
- Implementation
Furthermore, the comprehensive planning law identifies consistency requirements.
Beginning on January 1, 2010, if a town, village, city, or county “enacts or amends” any
of the following ordinances, the ordinances shall be consistent with that local
government’s comprehensive plan:
- Official Mapping
- Zoning
- Land-Subdivision
- Shorelands or Wetlands
The Wood County Comprehensive Plan
The Wood County Board of Supervisors adopted the Wood County Comprehensive Plan
2009 - 2029. Individual plan elements can be accessed by clicking on the links below:
Town Comprehensive Plans
Wood County has (22) Towns/Townships within its boundary. Below are links to several
town comprehensive plans:
Regional Comprehensive Plan
In 2003, the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission adopted a regional
comprehensive plan titled “A Framework for the Future, 2000-2020”. Even though the
plan is only advisory it serves as a useful resource in planning efforts throughout the
region. Contact the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to obtain a
copy of the comprehensive plan and learn more about NCWRPC.
North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning
210 McClellan Street
Suite 210
Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 715-849-5510
Fax: 715-849-5110
Email: info@ncwrpc.org
Comprehensive Plan Drafts
DRAFT - City of Nekoosa Land Use Planning and Zoning Update – 2023
Wood County Planning Assistance
Planning and Zoning Department staff are happy to share what they know about the
requirements of the comprehensive planning law, and resources available for completing
comprehensive plans.