Wood County Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep is a program that allows Wood County residents to dispose of unwanted, unused, damaged, restricted, and banned household, agricultural, chemical,
and hazardous wastes. The program is held in coordination with the Wood County UW-Extension and funded by the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer
Protection. For more information, visit the UW-Extension website.
2025 Clean Sweep Events
Saturday, May 31, 2025 – 8:00 AM to Noon
Marshfield Agricultural Research Station – South Campus
2611 Yellowstone Drive
Marshfield, WI
Saturday, September 13, 2025 – 8:00 AM to Noon
Saratoga Town Hall & Garage
1120 State Hwy 73 South
Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494
For more information about these events, call:
Wood County UW-Extension Office (715) 421-8440
Wood County Health Department (715) 421-8911
What’s Accepted:
- Automotive: brake fluid, degreasers, ether, old fuel, transmission fluid
- Lawn, Garden & Farm: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides
- Household: drain cleaner, dry cleaning fluid, floor polish, metal cleaners, mildew cleaner, moth balls, nail
polish remover, NiCad batteries, oven cleaner, photography chemicals, pool chemicals, silver polish,
spot remover
- Workshop: creosote, gun cleaning fluid, hobby materials, lacquer, lead-based paints, stripper,
thinner/solvents, turpentine, varnish, wood preservatives
Not accepted:
Latex paint, tires, motor oil, automotive batteries, fluorescent tubes, electronics, appliances, antifreeze, explosives or high pressure cylinders.
- Dry out latex paint and dispose of it in the garbage.
- Recycle used motor oil and antifreeze
Year-round Recycling Options:
Mercury Thermostat Collection
Old mercury thermostats from individual homes can be brought to the Health Department office in Wisconsin Rapids at the Riverblock Building, 3rd Floor 111 W Jackson St., Wisconsin Rapids, WI.
The thermostats must be double bagged in clear plastic bags and not leaking mercury.
Medication Collection
Secure and dispose of your medications safely at home by requesting the following resources from Wood County Health Department free of charge:
Securing Medications
Prescription Drug Lock Boxes and Lock Bags
Lock boxes and lock bags help secure medications in your home to prevent someone else from taking the medication. A key or a code is used to unlock the box or the bag.
Safe Disposal
Prescription Drug Deactivation Pouches
Disposable pouches deactivate prescription and over-the-counter medications to safely dispose of them. You throw the pouch in the trash after deactivation.
TakeAway Med Return Envelopes
TakeAway Med Return Envelopes are provided so you can place medications in their original containers inside and send them to a disposal company for incineration.
Permanent Drug Drop Box
Permanent drug drop boxes are a convenient way to safely dispose of unused and expired medications. There are many drop box locations throughout Wood
County. Click here for a list of locations and items you can and cannot drop off.
To request free materials, contact Ashley Normington, Wood County Health Department, by calling 715-421-8923 or emailing Ashley.normington@woodcountywi.gov