Human Services provides Mental Health and SUD Outpatient Services to individuals residing in Wood County. Services are offered at the Wood County River
Block Building
Wood County River Block Building (Map)
the Chestnut Street Office located within the Wood County Annex & Health Center
Wood County Annex & Health Center (Map)
, and Cornerstone Branch Office at Patriots Tower
Patriots Tower (Map)
If you feel you need help with substance use issues, contact the Outpatient Clinic to set up an appointment by calling 715-421-8840.
The initial appointment will include a review of financial responsibility with a business office staff member. You will then see a counselor who will assess
your needs and may recommend one or more of the services offered.
Programs Available
Day Treatment Program
Day Treatment is a five-week program allowing participants to remain in the community while working toward sustained abstinence and building a recovery
support system. Strategies covered in this group include: Relapse Prevention Skills, Alternatives to Use, Recovery Support, Self-Esteem, Co-Dependency.
This group meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon). Clients in this program also meet with an SUD counselor on an individual basis.
Intermediate Outpatient Program
The Intermediate Outpatient Program is usually recommended as a program for individuals who have successfully completed Day Treatment and may need further
support. Participants of this eight-week group will engage in group discussions to foster growth, self-awareness, and improved coping skills in their
recovery. Topics of discussion may include: The Stages of Change, Relapse Prevention, Thinking Errors.
Advanced Skills for Recovery Group
Advanced Recovery Skills Group is an eight-week program helping individuals limit relapses in their recovery. This group will teach participants to
anticipate scenarios that may trigger their addictive behaviors and provides strategies to cope with triggering situations.
Underage Diversion Group
Underage Diversion is a drug and alcohol education group for adolescents ages 12 to 18. This program focuses on educating teenagers about the negative
effects of substance use. Time is spent on topics including problem-solving, the negative effects of alcohol, strategies to avoid alcohol use, and
examining choices in a responsible manner. The program meets four times over the course of two weeks from 3:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
(days vary depending on need).
OWI Assessment
Individuals who have been charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) are required to complete an OWI Assessment as part of the process to have their
driver’s licensed reinstated. This is a one-hour assessment that is different from a standard AODA assessment, and the fee must be paid in full before
he assessment can be completed. Following the assessment, a Driver Safety Plan is designed to prevent future alcohol- or drug-related problems.