Notice to Dog Owners
The owner of a dog shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian within 30 days after the dog reaches 4 months of age and revaccinated within one year after the initial vaccination. If the owner acquires the dog or brings the dog into this state after the dog has reached 4 months of age, the owner shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies within 30 days after the dog is acquired or brought into the state unless the dog has been vaccinated as evidenced by a current certificate of rabies vaccination from this state or another state. The owner of a dog shall have the dog revaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian before the date that the immunization expires as stated on the certificate of vaccination or, if no date is specified, within 3 years after the previous vaccination.
The veterinarian who vaccinates a dog against rabies shall complete and issue to the owner a certificate of rabies vaccination and a rabies vaccination tag. The owner shall attach the rabies vaccination tag to a collar and a collar with the tag attached shall be kept on the dog at all times. If required by the governing body of the city, village or town, the certificate of rabies vaccination must be presented to the collecting official before a dog license may be issued.
The owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any year, or 5 months of age within the license year, shall annually, or on or before the date the dog becomes 5 months of age, pay the dog license tax and obtain a license from their city, town or village collecting official. The minimum dog license tax is $3.00 for a neutered male dog or spayed female dog, upon presentation of evidence that the dog is neutered or spayed, and $8.00 for an unneutered male dog or unspayed female dog, or one-half of these amounts if the dog became 5 months of age after July 1 of the license year. The governing body of any town, village or city may raise the minimum dog license tax.
The collecting official shall assess and collect a late fee of $5.00 from every owner of a dog 5 months of age or over, if the owner fails to obtain a license prior to April 1 of each year, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of licensable dog or if the owner fails to obtain a license on or before the dog reached licensable age. The governing body of the town, village or city may also increase the amount of the late fee.
The owner of 12 or fewer dogs may be issued a multiple dog license upon payment of $35.00. For each additional dog in excess of 12 an additional $3.00 tax for each dog shall be collected.
Posted pursuant to Sec. 174.052 Wis. Stats.
Trent Miner, County Clerk